Friday, February 3, 2012

Fat Loss Facts + A Whole Week Of My Training Updates!!

Ok, here it is. Some of you have been seeing my weight updates. Now I'll be the first to say I eat fairly clean, barely any processed foods but can really INHALE junk food when I crack. Everyone goes through this feeling and knows what I'm saying.

I will list below some facts about the diet Jordan Foley( has me on. It is a loose template he gave me with freedom..... at the right times.

1. Low Carb
2. Scheduled cheat day and times
3. Last week I ate 1.5 medium pizzas, almost 2L of cola, cake, ice cream and some baked goods for my cheat night
4. It's simple and easy to do

My weight has always been a struggle for me. I always wanted to lose weight but when I'd diet then I would lose strength. To regain that strength I would kick up my food intake once again. Then I"d gain more fat, then lather, rinse, repeat. Groundhog Day. Whatever you call it.
Not anymore. I am now down to 267lbs without cutting water, down from my highest of 295. Not bad eh?

I'm not even on a full fat loss plan either. Did I mention I am stronger than ever?

Saturday Afternoon
FOley 25

295 x 5
335 x 3
375 x 3
*Belt last two sets, just doing prescribed reps.

Slingshot Bench-
250 x 5 EASY
285 x 5 EASY
325 x 5 Smooth
*Time to get ready for Push/Pull

100 x 12
120 x 12
140 x 12

DB Row-
115 x 10 x 3 sets

Monday Night-
FOley 25

225 x 3
225 + 50lbs chain x 3 x 2 sets
255 + 50lbs chain x 3 x 2 sets

Military Press (FAT GRIPZ)-
155 x 5
180 x 5
205 x 5
*Prescribed reps....ugh, overheads have been tough lately.

Front Squats-
135 x 12
185 x 12
225 x 8 x 2 sets
*All beltless

Parallel Grip Pull Ups-

A1. PushUps (hands on DB) 20, 20
A2. Rear DB Laterals- 30lbs x 20, 45lbs x 20


Wednesday MASSacre - ALONE Tonight

Foam Roll, Stretch, LAX Ball

DE Log- (C&P each rep)
160 x 3
180 x 3
200 x 3 x 2 sets
220 x 3

Log Cleans-
240 x 2
260 x 2
270 x 1
*These were easy, just wanted to get some work in in short period of time

Side Handle DL-
600lbs Tire x 10 x 2 sets (warmup)
Tire + 160lbs log x 5 x 2 sets
Tire + 250lbs log x 5 x 2 sets
Tire + 340lbs log x 5 x 2 sets
*Alternated facing and away each set, no chalk or belt

Side Handle HOLDS-
Tire + 430 log x 2 sets x 10 "Mississippi's"
*No chalk or belt and not to failure

110lbs Log Overhead Walks-
2 sets x 120ft full overhead lockout and shrug whole way

**Hard to get pumped by myself this night, made it through with some good hard work.

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