Thursday, August 4, 2011


Here they are!

Sunday Morning @ The Lair On The Bay
Foam Roll.......... had a few guys over including Adrian the Bitch - felt rushed for some reason and didn't finish warm up..... will pay for this later...

DE Log - worked up to
220 x 3 x 2 sets
260 x 3 beltless rep PR *The other guys were working on a max log and I jumped in and wasn't paying attention to how much they bumped it up. First one was ugly since I didn't know it was that heavy, last 2 reps weren't a struggle. So happy with how it went up even though I went heavier than I was supposed to.

Deadlifts - worked up to...

355lbs x 5
385lbs x 5
405lbs x 5 beltless double overhand grip PR

Atlas Stones - worked up to...

255lbs stone x 5 reps x 58"
255lbs stone x 5 reps x 54 or 56" can't remember
180lbs x 10 to 58" *gasser
*255 sets were "popping" up to platform, with more practice I will be able to one-motion

Supposed to finish with Prowler conditioning but all I had was a gravel road and it sucked shit so Greg and I just pushed Adrian SUV instead.

Awesome events it.

Now here's where I think skipping the last half of my warmup caught up to me...
Woke up yesterday morning limping on my right leg. Around my knee (outside quad and in behind the knee were very tight and sore) were fucked. I foam rolled it like crazy and it seemed to help a little but I am just keeping an eye on it. I can walk today anyways but it's a warning sign for sure. Rest for the rest of the week and just do mobility work and get ready for the weekend.

Happy to report that my bodyweight is now 283lbs with workboots on. I will be doing the Law Games powerlifting as well in the amateur category on Sept. a 275lbs'r

Monday Night @ My Garage
Foam Roll, Simple 6, Agile 8

Military Press- worked up to...
205 x 5
225 x 5 *Tied PR
205 x 5
These felt heavy but I still tied a PR the very next day after some non-dynamic effort log pressing. Stronger everyday.

A1. DB Bench- 75lbs x 12 x 2 sets, 90lbs x 8 smooth
A2. Barbell Row- 205lbs x 12 x 2 sets, 245lbs x 8 *going to keep adding weight here as well, felt strong.

B1. EZ Bar Curls - 105 x 15 x 2 sets
B2. YTI's + 2.5 lbs - 2 sets x 10
B3. BB Reverse Curl- 105lbs x 10 x 2 sets

Feeling good and strong, also thanks to Jordan for the diet tips. As of today I am down to 278lbs!!

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