Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to.......THE BEAST FACTORY!!

So a wicked training lair always needs a name. A great name. You can't get serious about lifting heavy if you're talking about "smashin' some weights at Goodlife!"....

Welcome to......... THE BEAST FACTORY

Catch up on a few workouts...

Wednesday Morning @ The Beast Factory

Military Press - Week 2 of 531 using 225 working max
180x3 190x3 205x6 **Tied a PR here, should have gone another rep or 2 to get it but I am learning patience.....

Seated Barbell Press- (sat on back support)
135x10 145x9 145x9 145x9 **felt this in my upper back as well

YTWL- 10lbs x 3 sets x severe burn
Side Bends (farmers) 110 x 3 sets x 12 reps

Finished with band dislocates and stretching.

Thursday Morning @ The Beast Factory

Front Squats - (wanted to find my "almost" max to start 531 on these)
135x5 135x5 225x3 225x3 315x1

Squat Lockouts - 315x3 405x3 495x3 585x3 585x3 **all beltless

Cut training short, had to go to work. Wanted to save some for events anyways.

Saturday Morning @ The Beast Factory w/ Joe Dewitt (Joe #1), Joe Doran (Joe #2) & Ben

DE Log (this is where Joe Doran comes into play...olympic lifter) 14" steel log
155 x 2 sets x 3 reps
175 x 2 sets x 3 reps
200 x 2 reps **this last set was the best since Joe #2 was yelling "Jump you Fat Fuck" worked. Technique is everything.

Farmers (handles)
110 x 2 sets x 20 ft
200 x 2 sets x 10 ft
250 x 1 set x 10 ft
270 x 1 set x 10 ft
290 x 1 set x 10 ft **pick wasn't fast but walk and grip felt easy....not saying much....went 10 ft
310 x fail @ pick x 2 sets **really hard to get amped over 10 ft farmers runs. Fuck off snow.

Atlas Stones to 54"
255 x 2 sets x 4 reps
270 x 1 set x 2 reps
**all sets were no tacky.

**This session was ok. Didn't feel super energized, sleep sucked all week....getting up at 4am blows. Blah Blah Blah, Saturday night went to bed at 9pm. Wanted to watch UFC Fight for the Troops but just too tired. Woke up 9am Sunday. Didn't do too much all day except laundry and shovel the driveway. Ate lots and went to bed at 9pm again to wake up at 4am.
That brings me to today....

Monday Morning @ The Beast Factory

Log Jerks - 14" Steel Log
155 x 2 sets x 2 reps
210 x 2 sets x 2 reps
230 x 1 set x 2 reps
250 x 1 set x 1 rep
270 x 1 set x 1 solid rep **felt great actually. All sets were beltless too.

Military Press - Week 3 of 531 using 225 working max
170x5 190x3 215x4 **no belt all sets and probably had another rep left.

Farmers Shrugs-
**no belt all sets

Felt strong this morning, quite happy the way things are feeling today. I am on afternoons this week so lots of sleep and food ahead!! PR's on the way...

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