Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feelin' the Beatdown....

Monday Night 6pm @ ?The Demon Lair?  (sounds badass...)

Warmed up with some jumps onto a tire, roller, light stretching and band work.

Deadlifts - Week 3 of Coan/Philippi Routine
490 x 2 reps **Worked up to this and it felt heavy as fuck! Reset on both reps.
405 x 6 sets x 3 reps **These also felt heavy but got the work completed. Each rep was reset.
Trap Bar Shrugs-
315 x 4 sets x 20 reps **Felt awesome, will be incorporating trap bar work in more often.

Good Mornings-
135 x 3 sets x 10 reps **Really focused on form and squeezing the lower back/glutes each rep. I need to do these more consistently.

**This was a really hard workout. I was getting discouraged but last Wednesday was squats, Thursday I hit some upper back, Saturday was events and now a deadlift workout. I am sure I was still smashed from this. No worries. I will finish this program, I will finish this program, I will finish this program...

Wednesday Morning   5:30am @ ?The Demon Lair?   or The Beast Factory?  aka Joe's Garage
Military Press- Week 2 of 531 using a 225 working max  (pressed out of power rack this week)
180x3  EZ , 190x3 EZ , 205x6 reps   **Stopped at 6 but had another 1 atleast in me. I looked back in my notebook from last month and I tied a PR.  I would have broke it if I knew before hand.

Seated Barbell Presses- (sat on bench so no back support)
135x10, 145x9, 145x9, 145x9   **These felt awesome.  I didn't have the strength for pull-ups this workout but these definitely hit my upper back as well.

YTWL- 3 sets @ 10lbs x go until it hurts
Side Bends (with Farmers) -
110-130lbs x 3 sets x 12 reps   ** We have to weigh these....

Well the last 2 sessions have been tough but I was able to complete was I was supposed to do. Tomorrow is lots of front squats so we will see how that goes.     I finished this workout with lots of stretching and band work.

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