Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Blog??

What's the point to having a blog?

It's 2012, I'm 29 years old. Why would I have a blog? Ever since I was a kid I enjoyed talking and meeting new people with similar and not so similar interests. Growing up there were no blogs or even websites that I knew of until grade 6. Even once I learned about the internet I didn't have full-time access to it. So I wrote the old fashioned way.... a pencil and paper.

I always enjoyed writing little fictional stories where I could create these fun characters and have them interact with anyone I wanted from Ozzy Osbourne to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know, what a broad spectrum. Regardless of who was in my adventure at the time, I just loved getting it out.

For years I got out of writing and drawing my cartoons and became "too cool" to do either. I am married now and very comfortable with who I am. I lift weights, odd shaped heavy objects and also my ass up and down off the couch. In comes blogging.

I have become 'ok' at creating my site and fan page on Facebook, Twitter etc. but I love doing it even though it's not perfect. It gives me the same feeling I did when I was a kid drawing and writing using my pencil and paper. I get excited to share my adventures each time I write but now, it's a few hundred people reading it instead of a few family members and classmates.

With my blogsite, Facebook fan page and Twitter account I can take as many people who read it on my little adventure. I write about my training, useless info and believe it or not...some useful info. I would like to thank everyone who actually reads my posts and hope you can find people that would enjoy my ramblings as well. I plan to open up just a little more and start giving my opinions on a little more entertaining things in the world this year.

I am very fortunate to have 3 amazing sponsors with Cygen Laboratories (CygenLabs.com), the best chiropractor in the business I feel, Dr. Dave Gendron (TIHC.ca). TotalFitnessSolutions.ca sponsors me with the best training programs and performance advice possible. I will be sharing more info about these three awesome sponsors later on. PLEASE PLEASE check out their links to the right!

I am also very fortunate to have a new partnership with RescindX MMAFitwear and have launched RescindX Productions. Bruce and Chantal have proven to be a force to be reckoned with in the clothing world. Even more important (which I feel is the factor that is driving RescindX to be a big name) they have proven to be just good people.

Bottom Line: I have my social media outlets to show you who I am and what is on my mind. I have sponsors, have little stories to share, events to promote.... it's my updated 'pencil and paper'.

PS. I tend to ramble and wander... I am not a professional writer, just a hard working fat kid at heart... :)

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