Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another update......

They say (whoever they are) that not every workout will be awesome. They say that you will have bad days and good days.....blah blah blah....
You know what? People are wrong everyday.

How do you determine if a day is bad? Chances are that it's the situation on that day that could be bad, not the day itself. So why let one situation ruin a whole day?

Thursday @ my Garage aka The PR Palace

Foam Roll, Simple 6, Agile 8

225 x 5 sets x 3

Military Press-
160 x 3, 185 x 3, 205 x 7 reps - PR!! Left shoulder was grumpy and didn't let me get 8. Went to chiro afterwards for some ART and good to go.

Front Squat-
135 x 8, 225 x 8, 245 x 8 - beltless PR!!!

8, 7, 6

DB Press - (standing)
60lbs x 17
60lbs x 15
*I'm sure both of these are PR's

Seated Row-
135lbs x 20 x 2 sets

Wow, my training must have been poorly programmed before. Great program, great atmosphere and attitudes wherever I go.............. READIN' TONY ROBBINS MOFO'S!

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