Thursday, July 5, 2012

Harrowsmith Competition Summary!

Quick Rundown of Harrowsmith Show-

It was nice to compete within an hour drive. Was able to chill at home in the morning and then get a birthday present for my wife, go compete and be back for dinner and Canada festivities afterwards.

1st Event - Anvil Press 170, Keg 200, Fire Hydrant 190??
Easy for first two, hydrant went up first shot and almost lost some teeth but got it. 2nd place.

2nd event- 250 Farmers x 50ft, 550 Tire x 50 feet, 500 Yoke x 50 feet Medley
WTF. WHistle blew and I ran with the farmers. When guys say that it looked like an easy stroll with groceries then it must have been good. Crossed the line and started flipping the tire. Real low flip and no tread... harder than it should have been but finished that portion and on to 500 yoke. Legs were Jello. Pick was easy but had no legs at 25 ft and dropped, repicked then finished. 1st.

3rd Event- 45lbs Forward Hold
1 min = 1st place

4th Event- Loading Medley to 58" - Anvil, Keg, Hydrant, Atlas Stone (220)
Decent times here from everyone. It wasn't heavy but alot of guys were making mistakes when loading onto platform. They were too cautious. Fuck it, my turn was up and threw everything on top. Hydrant went through plywood and finished with atlas stone for a 20sec time. 1st

5th Event - Bus Pull w/ rope n harness
0! Nobody could move it out of the pothole and it kept pullin guys backwards if it started to roll. Wish it was tested before event.
Since nobody could move it we had to do a 6th event.

6th Event- Seated Jeep Pull
Downhill pull ended up pretty gay, even the promoter said so but we were short on time. Took dead last since fast hands and not necessarily strength would win. Didn't matter with placings overall.

1st place with a sweet looking trophy, t-shirt and wristband. It was a last minute decision to compete here but it was very close to home during the holiday and for a great cause, Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Close to $1000 was raised that day. Really fun day.

My main focus now is the 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation Eastern Nationals in September!

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